Frequently asked questions
How do I buy ?
After carefully reading the details of the unit you want, add the item to your cart and check out using one of the available options. For a faster checkout, create an account.
What is your return/exchange policy?
We do not do full returns for cash at this time. We accept the exchange of unworn & un-customized wigs only if the exchange is initiated within 2 days of the unit being delivered in the condition at which it was sold (for example, intact lace...). kindly contact us and reach a conclusion before initiating an exchange. The client bears fully the cost of exchanges.
NB: Due to the incidence of COVID and the hygiene nature of our products, returns/exchanges are highly discouraged at this time for everyone's SAFETY.
Do you offer gift cards?
Yes we do. We also offer store credits
What are the payment options?
We have 2 payment options: Card payment and manual payment (interac). We also encourage you to use manual payment for full payments when possible. Kindly contact us for the details.
Can I pay via interac?
Do you offer installment payments?
No, installment payments are currently on hold. Once we are ready to accept it, we will inform you.
Do you charge HST/GST?
Yes, starting from April 2021, we are mandated by Canadian law to charge HST/GST on behalf of the government and remit it. This is automatically calculated at checkout depending on the province you live in. Taxes are not charged for orders placed from outside Canada.
Do you make custom units?
Because we're a budget store, we do not make custom wigs at this time as those cost lots more. However, we are the queen of DIY and suggest you customize your units yourself for less.
Do you offer different wig sizes?
At this time, we offer only the medium wig size with extra elastic bands to fit the unit on different head sizes. So far, most of our clients with different head sizes have been able to fit into our one-size-fits-all units

What is the density of your wigs?
Since density is a new unit for measuring the weight/"fullness" of wigs, we do not express our weight in it as it is not universal yet. Also, density is not well understood by all and it differs among manufacturers. We at EM Wigs measure fullness/weight in grams. See more information here.
What type of hair are your wigs made of?
Our wigs are mostly made of 100% human hair except otherwise stated. As human hair, they can be washed, straightened, curled.
How long can I use my wig?
Our 100% human units can be used for more than 2 years if well cared for.
How can I care for my wig?
To care for your wig, wash with a good shampoo product in lukewarm water, deep condition it and air dry.
What is the difference between 4 x 4" closure and 13 x 4” frontal?
Lace closures differ in the dimensions they cover within a wig. Our 4 x 4" closures have 3 partings (left side, right side and center) letting you use 1 of these 3 partings per time. On the other hand, our 13 x 4" frontal spans the entire front of your head from one ear to another. This frontal can be parted anywhere along the front.